Tuesday, November 05, 2013

November Writing Challenge: Food, a day in the life

Alarm on phone sings: 'Shine Bright like a Diamond..."
sure, sure, sure gimme ten. snooze.
Three more snoozes later and peel myself from the bed, and head to the bathroom.
"Shine bright like a diamond..."
damn, i'm on the toilet and the phone is on the other side of the cottage.
oh well, sing along.

Dog yawns, peaks out from her blanket burrow and does her morning yoga. Downward dog looks so normal on a dog. Glass of water and morning med, 'take on empty stomach, one hour before first meal'. check. Dog walk.

Make a protein smoothie or hit the Burger King drive-thru for a sauage egg and cheese biscuit. Do I have any instant oatmeal in my cabinet at work? I think I'm out. I really should make those thick cut organic slow cooked oats anyway, that's better for you than the instant. ok ok, Protein smoothie: blueberries, banana, protein powder (whey and rice not soy), fish oil, molasses, damn i didn't ground any flax seed last night, ok skip it, almond milk. Blend. poor into mason jar. Drive to work.

Drink protein smoothie while reading emails. Multi vitamin, morning supplement, coffee, vit C. Drink water, drink water! fill up water bottle. want a donut. there are no donuts. drink more coffee. drink more water. vit c. Break.

Take a walk, smoke a cigarette or get a pop tart from the vending machine. Do none of the above. Back to work.

Lunch. Shit, i forgot my lunch, good thing i have some cans of soup in my cabinet. or maybe i run out to Subway for today's $2.50 special sub. or Erik's deli, no too expensive or Safeway for one of those pesto-turkey-avocado sandwiches. no, i need to lay off the wheat, no sandwiches this week.. Someone is ordering chinese, wish i could afford it. i want pizza! OR Lunch: 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 black beans, 2 cups steamed mixed veggies garnished with 1/2 a lemon's juice, olive oil and a dash of sea salt OR i actually made a big pot of SOMEthing on sunday to last the week OR whatever leftovers i scraped together from the night before and a can of sardines or tuna or clams. oh hell, whatever, it's food and i need some calories and nutrition. Can't i have a girlfriend who cooks for me?

4pm i'm fading. more coffee? no had enough. vit c. water. oh yeah, i have some mixed seeds and nuts in my cabinet! phew, protein saved me from the chips in the vending machine. not really hungry but energy low, i could just.curl.up.and.sleep.right.now.under.desk. Finally time to go home.

walk dog. take nap. not really hungry but gotta eat. can't someone cook for me? i could run to Jax and get a burger. no, no, don't spend the money, i know it's only $2.39 for a Jumbo Jack with cheese. Ooo, maybe I'll splurge and go to the diner and get their special, maybe they have a steak and veggies tonight. no no, can't afford that. ok ok, go to Safeway, get some steak from the Manager's Special bin because beef is too expensive but this is 30% off and i need beef and animal based iron. But oh shit, it's corn-fed beef ain't it? well that sort of defeats the purpose don't it. corn=bad. corn=belly bloat. fuck it. i can't afford to eat all perfect, take the good with the bad. i got rice at home. and some broccolli. ok a balanced meal! but i gotta cook now, which means wash the dishes first, and then cook and then have more dirty dishes. Can't i have a girlfriend who cooks for me? i should have gone to the Palomar for two cheap happy hour beef tacos and called it a day.

now i want cake.

can't i just photosynthesize? it would be so much easier

1 comment:

Maxine Dangerous said...

I like the stream of consciousness approach. I might try that for a second food post. :)