Tuesday, April 08, 2014

30/30 NaPoWriMo 2014: Five Us via You

(prompt: write of a break up in the point of view of the other)

You called me a player
"No, I'm not!" I denied
"Not a player if it didn't work out," I cried
even though every time I told you I loved you
I lied

because all I can do is twist lie upon lie
and all the desiring of you I expressed
and all of the dreaming of future togetherness
and all the ways I exploited your weakness
and led you deeper and deeper
into the delusions of my consciousness

it was all my own twisted longings
for my own sense of self
and using you as a patsy
to take the blame for my lack of self-worth

and I prodded you and I pierced you
causing you to cry out in pain
and I used your moments of weakness
for my fragile ego's own gain

and spit you out mercilessly
as a pit caught in my tooth
because I am incapable of loving
and cannot handle the truth

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